Friday, 18 October 2013

Cute Handmade Baby Boots

I have just added a pair of lovely handmade knitted baby boots for sale in my public Arts display. They make a sweet little gift for a newborn baby boy or girl. So cute!! I also have a range of cute mini greeting cards to compliment this gift. 

Knitted baby boots for sale in my arts and crafts display. 
Get in touch if you'd like to buy these. 

Friday, 11 October 2013

Henna and Diwali Day Celebration

With Diwali round the corner I invite you to join in with the celebrations while I do your henna, a beautiful and culturally rich art form. Choose from 1 of my designs and take a seat to enjoy the music while I do your chosen henna design on you. Suitable on both adults and children. 

My henna design I did on Tusleem for her Eid celebrations
If henna's not for you, you can always try your hand at creating your own design on the day. With music from Alston Primary School. Full details / music to be confirmed for the rest of the week. 

Date: 05/11/2013
Location: Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

In the mean time visit me at: 
Fan Page:

I look forward to seeing you soon! 